Wednesday, January 28, 2015

PR Lessons from Winter Storm Juno

The Northeastern United States, especially areas like Boston, have been hit hard by the winter storm known as Juno. The storm was predicted to be of epic proportions and for many areas, it was (although it was a little lackluster in other areas). The storm halted public transportation, forced people to stay indoors, work and schools were closed, some people even found significant others for the storm. It altered lives for a couple days.

As a Chicago franchise PR agency, we tend to look for learning experiences in anything, even something like Juno. There are three things that we've learned from this storm and how it affected the people of the Northeast United States.

  1. Be prepared. Anyone who is successful in franchise PR or marketing is someone who believes in being prepared. In order to do well in a long blizzard, you have to be proactive; this means going out and getting enough food for a day or two (if you can't leave the house), backup power sources, etc. The city has to know how to remove the snow, what to do with traffic/pedestrians (curfews?), and emergency responses. When it comes to PR, it behooves you to be prepared and prepared as much as you can be. 
  2. Be proactive. Doing things before people realize they have to be done is a great example of being proactive. This sort of ties into being prepared but it takes a more actionable and confident approach (since being prepared can be a result of being
    reactive). In Boston and NYC, the mayors shut down the roads and public transit and required people to be in their homes by 11 PM, this is being proactive. 
  3. Use the moment to your advantage. Of course, this is to be done tastefully and not to exploit anyone or thing. You have to assess the situation to get a good handle if it is appropriate to capitalize on the situation for your brand; if there is a natural disaster that kills hundreds or thousands, then don't. This can result in a PR crisis
Be safe, everyone who lives in the Northeast! 

Does your business need a way to get ahead and be noticed? Then contact All Points PR-- we are a Chicago PR agency

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