Friday, January 25, 2013

Mobile Technology and PR

Mobile technology today is all the rage, there's no question about it.  We're all glued to our iPhone 5s, Samsung Galaxy's and our various tablet devices.  The convenience of mobile technology alone makes it incredibly hard for other technologies to even stack up against it.  As a whole, we as a franchise public relations firm and social media consultants, have to make some adjustments to how we do our jobs due to the rise in the popularity of mobile technology.  So how do mobile technology and public relations fit together and really, how has mobile technology changed the face of public relations?

Reaching the Mobile Consumer

The mindset of mobile technology users is incredibly different.  With more and more people turning to mobile devices to attain information, public relations experts must be able to reach consumers where they are spending their time.  Mobile technology, mainly smartphones, apps and the mobile-web have been a big factor in speeding up the news cycle.  Breaking news is broadcasted over Twitter now and this is something that doesn't surprise any of us since we are so used to it.  Mobile technology undoubtedly affects communications professionals as they are now expected to produce content specifically made for mobile and must interact with customers keeping mobile constantly in mind.

Understand this audience

As a franchise public relations firm we know how vital it is for our firm to stay on the cutting edge of technology.  While mobile technology may have complicated things a bit, it has also opened up the door to new opportunities for communications professionals.  Mobile has created new opportunities to take digital and social campaigns a few steps further.  For any PR professional or franchise public relations firm the key to success when working with mobile consumers is to start with a solid understanding of the consumer, their mobile capabilities, and their motivation for mobile engagement.  As a public relations firm, there are a few questions to ask yourself in regards to these consumers to ensure you will have a good chance at successfully reaching them:

1- What devices does your target consumer typically use?: If you are in any of the communications's disciplines you must fully assess your target consumer and start by figuring out what devices your target audience uses most frequently.  Say you find out they prefer viewing information via a tablet device, great!  That gives you some direction as to where you can reach them, which is probably the first thing you should figure out before you start attempts to reach them.

2- What makes your target consumers reach for their mobile device?: Whether you are a public relations firm or a marketing company, you must figure out makes your target consumers tick.  Find out what motivates or makes your target audience reach for their mobile device.  Perhaps a "pin and win" contest is just something they can't help but enter themselves in.  That kind of information is important to know since that will help you shape your PR campaigns or marketing campaigns around their interests.

3- Which mobile apps and social platforms do they use?:  Figuring out what mobile apps and what social platforms they use is another way of helping you assess your target consumer's preferences.  Knowing what mobile apps and social platforms they enjoy using is another way of helping you understand how and where you can expect to be able to connect with your target audience.

4- What do they want from brands in your industry when it comes to mobile engagement? For franchise public relations firms or marketing companies, it is absolutely essential to figure out what consumers are looking for when they content to a brand through mobile engagement.  If you don't know what they are looking for then how can you expect to connect with them?  It would be impossible.  You have to give them what they want in order to succeed.

What are your thoughts on mobile technology and its effect on public relations?  Comments are welcome below or you may contact us.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Getting a Reporter’s Attention

Lets face it, one of the most important parts of franchise public relations, or public relations in general, is getting media attention.  You’ve got a great a pitch, fantastic story, well that’s just great, but what good will that do you without anyone to pitch it to?  Not much.  How do you go about getting the attention of that reporter that you just know will be the perfect one to pitch your story to?  Here are a few tips on getting that much needed reporter attention: 

1- Do your homework before hand:  Before you even think to pitch to a reporter do your homework.  Find out what the reporter typically covers.  You don’t want to be pitching a story about your client that is an author to a reporter that only covers sports.  Do some digging before hand to ensure that the reporter you choose to pitch to will be one that will at least have some interest in what you are about to pitch that way you will increase your odds that the reporter may at least be interested.

2- Check out the reporter’s blog:  If the reporter you are wanting to contact has a blog, consider posting a comment to their blog before your big pitch.  Show some interest in the reporter you are seeking to be in contact with and perhaps they'll show some interest in you.

3- Drop some of your expectations: Don't expect a reporter to give you coverage right away.  It might take longer than you may anticipate.  The best thing you can do is keep in touch regularly. If you are in public relations you know that that is just part of the PR job.  If you are doing PR for your own company or franchise or just starting out in PR remember not to get too ahead of yourself and expect coverage too fast.  It takes time, so do the follow ups and when the time is right you'll get some coverage.  

4- Consider the timing: As a franchise public relations firm we know that timing is everything.  Timing out you pitches is crucial.  To better your chances of a reporter covering your story you should consider approaching them on a Monday or whenever they tell you there is a bit of a news hole to fill.  That will just improve your odds of getting coverage.

5- Meeting with a reporter: These days we all rely on technology to connect with and contact one another.  When it comes to get attention from a reporter, nothing beats some face-to-face interaction if at all possible.  If a reporter says yes to meet for lunch, breakfast or even just for coffee, soak up all the time you can get.  A face-to-face meeting will help you form a better connection with that reporter.  It does guarantee you the coverage, but it surely increases your odds.  

Looking for more tips on getting a reporter's attention?  Feel free to comment below or contact us

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Preparing Your PR Team for 2013

We are a franchise public relations firm that never stops planning.  2013 may already be here, but we are still strategizing, planning and preparing for this upcoming year.  We are striving to have our best year and hope that we will be able to help our clients have a successful year as well.  In order to have a great year, we need to keep planning and our franchise public relations team here at All Points PR must prepare. 2013 is just beginning, so what are you doing as a franchise public relations firm or really, a PR firm in general, to better prepare your team for 2013? Here are a few things to keep in mind to help your PR team prepare for 2013:

1- Increase your outreach efforts: Let the beginning of the year be a good time to increase your outreach efforts as a PR team.  Have your team reach out to reporters that they worked with in 2012.  Remind reporters that you still have experts that are available to add to breaking stories.  Depending on which publications your PR team typically works with it never hurts to send out a quick "Happy New Year note" and re-introduce yourself a bit, which will serve as a reminder of how you can be of service to them.  Remember, journalists get pitched to by numerous PR professionals, so you have to do your part as a PR team to stick out in their minds and increasing your outreach efforts could help you and your team do just that.

2- Spend more time researching: Let your PR team know how vital researching is when it comes to PR.  Have your team make a list of all the publications that are of interest and review their editorial calendars for 2013.  Create a master calendar for all of the publications you selected so that you don't miss any of the important dates or topics.  This master calendar will help you and your team stay ahead of schedule and know when dates are coming up so that you can pitch in advance.

3- Do some training drills: Preparing for a crisis is just a part of the PR game, so help your team get prepared for 2013 by doing some practice crisis drills.  Give them a crisis scenario and have them act out how they would go about solving the crisis.  If their solutions are less than desirable, let them know what you would do to better address the situation.  Training drills are another great way to strengthen your team for 2013.

4- Check out associations: Is your franchise PR firm looking to land a client or two in a specific industry?  Have your PR team review the target list of your potential clients and have them take a look at the associations in which they participate in.  This gives your a team a great way to get their foot in the door and learn more about the client's industry.

5- Review your contacts: Have your team go through all of their contacts and do some updates.  All of your PR team members probably have long lists of reporters in their contacts, so go through their contact information first and verify that it is correct.  Reporters have a tendency to change their role quite often by moving to a new beat or even working for a different publication.  You could have your team go through each publication's website and review their staff list to ensure you have the correct contact information.  Reviewing contacts will ensure that you have the right information so that when you go to pitch a story you'll be pitching it to the right reporter.

Looking for more tips on preparing your PR team for 2013?  Feel free to comment below or contact us.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Tips for Your Social Media Strategy in 2013

Are you looking for a little extra power for your 2013 social media strategy?  As a franchise public relations firm and as social media consultants we are ready for the new year, are you?  We’ve got a few great ideas we’re willing to divulge to get your social media wheels spinning, here they are:

1- Check out new blogs: If you have been reading the same blogs for the past few years why not try out a few new blogs.  If you're a franchise owner, start reading industry related blogs just to see what else is out there.  New blogs may give you new ideas or new places to connect with others in your field.  

2- Utilize new social media pages:  As a franchise public relations firm and as social media consultants, we cannot stress the importance of social media enough.  If you have been solely using Facebook for your franchise or business, why not consider branching out and utilizing a few new social media pages for 2013.  Open a Pinterest account or try out Google+.  All social media pages are not created equal.  Each one has its own style and benefits, so your best bet is to open up a few new pages to try them all out and see which ones you like best and start using frequently.  

3- Forge social connections:  In a world where consumers are very unlikely to believe the advertisements they see on television and online, you must find another way, as a company or franchise, to break through all the ads.  Consumers may not take very well to ads, but they do take well to what their friends and family members have to say about companies, products and services.  Use that to your advantage.  Forge more social connections in 2013 and gain consumer trust in a personal way rather than through sticking up a bunch of ads.  

4- Rely on pictures:  When it comes to social media remember that your audience is motivated by pictures.  Consumers today would rather see pictures than read, perhaps it's because we are always busy or on the go, but either way, strive to give consumers information in the way they wish to receive it in.  Doing so will help you reap the biggest benefits out of your social media.  Rely on powerful pictures to capture your social media audience's attention in 2013.

5- Consider all devices:  Consumers get their information from a variety of different devices and 2013 will only make this ring more true. Captivate your consumers where you know they get their information from the most.  Create a mobile strategy to ensure that your consumers can access your website from your social media pages regardless of whether they are on their computer, tablet or smart phone.

As a franchise public relations firm with social media consultants, we work heavily with social media, we are always full of social media tips.  Looking for more social media tips for 2013?  Feel free to leave us a comment below or contact us.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

2013 and PR Resolutions

At the close of each year everyone goes around asking one another, “What’s your resolution for this upcoming year?”  It’s unavoidable, people will ask, but what will you tell them?  As a franchise public relations firm we have suggested to clients that they should come up with a list of resolutions solely for their marketing and PR for 2013.  We aren’t suggesting that just our clients make PR resolutions, but really all PR professionals should be doing the same.  Coming up with a list of resolutions for your business, franchise or public relations firm could be a great way to start the new year off right.  Not sure what your resolutions should be?  Here are a few of our ideas:

1- Take the time to read more: We’re all extremely busy these days, there’s no doubt about it, but try and take a little time out of your busy schedule on a daily basis to read more.  If you’re a business or franchise owner, take the time to read some franchise related stories and industry publications.  Industry related publications and even blogs are great places to start.  If you’re a public relations expert stay sharp by reading newspapers, magazines, industry publications, novels, blogs and really, anything you can get your hands on.  In the public relations industry it is important to be on top of your game at all times and reading will help stimulate your mind and help you form new connections.  Get reading in 2013-- No excuses!

2- Learn a little SEO: If you're not familiar with search engine optimization then we suggest you take notice.  Having the maximum amount of search engine exposure should be one of your top goals for 2013.  Who doesn't want to come up first in a search on Google?  We're sure everyone does, so take some time and learn the SEO basics.  If it seems out of reach for you to do it on your own, then call in the SEO experts.

3- Do all the things you have been putting off doing: We all have our list of things we put off doing until the last minute or the things we just never get to.  Let go of your list of things you have yet to do this year and get it done. Perhaps you're a franchise public relations agency in need of a website update or a franchise owner looking to increase your public relations services.  Stop putting it off and take a little time at the beginning of this new year to get all of those things identified on your list ironed out.

4- Prepare yourself for the worst: Think about all the things you have been so afraid might happen and take some time to get prepared.  Preparing for the worst is a big part of franchise public relations and really, public relations in general.  Put down some of your worries on paper and write down some PR strategies in case a crisis happens to strike.  Once you're finished, put your list of worries away and feel safe knowing that you have identified some great PR strategies to rely on in case a crisis comes up.

5- Be a solid contributor:  Whether you’re a franchise owner or a public relations expert try your hardest to be a solid contributor this year.  Find a way to put your professional skills to good use this year.  You could publicize a local event, design flyers for a nearby school, or do some writing for a local charity.  Not only will it make you feel great to contribute in a big way, but it will make others take notice.  A win win situation if you ask us.

Looking for more ideas on making PR resolutions for 2013?  Feel free to comment below or contact us.

Friday, January 4, 2013

PR Lessons Learned

As a franchise public relations firm heavily immersed in all things PR, we recently talked about some of the lessons we have learned while working in the franchise public relations field.  No matter what field you find yourself working in you can expect to learn lots of lessons as you continue on in your career.  You never begin any career knowing all there is to know right away.  You have to expect yourself to make some mistakes in order to learn.  If your new to the public relations field or looking to implement PR strategies or PR tactics with your own business or franchise, take some of the following lessons into account as you continue on your public relations journey:  

Lesson #1 Establish trust with those around you

One major lesson we have learned working in the franchise public relations field is how important it is to earn trust.  Relationships built with the media or a client need to be based on honesty and a trusted, partner type relationship must develop.  What creates a trusting relationship?  When it comes to building a relationship with a client, a PR agency or team needs to keep the client informed as to what their role is and making sure that they understand what their strengths, weaknesses and goals are.  A trusting relationship includes respect, privacy, and keeping clients constantly in the loop.  We regard building a trusting relationship as one of the most important parts of the PR job. 

Lesson #2 Always remain calm, even under pressure

Lets face it, working in the franchise public relations industry, or really just the PR industry in general, can have its tough moments, but as PR experts it’s our job to remain calm even under pressure. When a situation isn’t going as planned your reaction can alter the way your client feels about you and working with you in general, so do your best to stay calm and handle tough situations with grace.    

Lesson #3 Set realistic goals

Promising your client the world could be setting the bar a bit too high, so keep the goals you set as realistic as possible.  Be extra careful promising clients things you are not sure you can get them.  Promising them you could have every major media outlet at their event isn’t a great idea if you have doubts about sealing the deal.  Set realistic goals for yourself and your client and make the goals you set attainable. 

Lesson #4 Be willing to go the extra mile

Always be willing to go the extra mile for your clients.  Coming up with a great PR strategy and the PR tactics to back up the strategy is all in important in being successful at your job, but so is being willing to go the extra mile.  Making that extra phone call, sending an extra email or attempting to follow up once again can do wonders for you and your client. 

Lesson #5 Enjoy what you do

One thing we certainly have all learned is that one of the most important parts of working in franchise public relations, or really just public relations in general, is that you really need to enjoy what you do.  While that is probably true of any job you ultimately pursue it is one lesson that is important to learn as early on in your career as possible.  Enjoying what you do will make you better at it, there’s no doubt about that.  Love what you do and your work will surely reflect that.

Have your own PR lessons that you'd like to share with us?  Feel free to leave us a comment below or contact us.