Friday, October 12, 2012

Top 10: PR Tips for Your Business or Franchise

Recently we’ve been thinking a “Top 10” blog was in order, so why not base this “Top 10” on all things PR.  As a Chicago PR Firm we have learned some great tips and trick along the way on creating successful PR for clients.  We’d love to share more than 10 with you and writing this blog, we are sure we’ve already and will continue to share a whole lot more than just 10, but for now, here are some of our top PR tips:

#1- Be human: People want to do business with other people—not robots void of any personality.  People want to do business with people they can relate to and really, people they like.  Be yourself and you are likely to attract the right kind of customers.

#2- Use SEO to the best of your ability:  Search engine optimization (a.k.a. SEO) is the process of utilizing keywords that fit with you business and building association between those words and your website in the hypothetical eyes of search engines.  Find out what your customers search and choose keywords accordingly.  Search engines will notice your relevant content and reward you with high search engine rankings, ushering in a slew of customers.

#3- Be great at problem solving: Let’s face it, most consumers can care less about who you are as a company and what you do.  At the end of the day, consumers know what they want and what they need.  They know the problems they need to be solved, so be great at problem solving.  Nothing can hook potential customers more then ushering them that whatever problem they have can be fixed by your company and your company only.  

#4- Create great content: One of the best ways to get noticed today is by putting out good content.  It’s like karma—put good out into the world, and get it right back.  If you believe in that sort of thing!  Put extra effort into making sure you are creating good content and good results are bound to come your way.

#5- Utilize video: Never underestimate the power of a great video.  Videos, especially when well done, are a great way to reach consumers and the media.

#6- Become the authority: Whatever you are in the business of, whether it’s law, medicine, marketing, etc., become the authority.  There’s no better way to gain respect and business then to become the authority on your subject.

#7- Just say no to spam: Spamming the media with press releases and PR pitches just doesn’t work and in fact, it can get pretty irritating, which is opposite of the point of a press release.  The goal is to get your release or pitch read and written about, not tossed away.  Just say no to spam.

#8- Commentary:  Check out blogs, forums, and chat rooms relevant to your business and provide some of your input and expertise.  If you want people to know that your company exists, get commenting.  

#9- Be persistent with follow ups:  Stay on top of your follow up calls and emails to the best of your abilities.  We all get busy, there's no question about that, but part of great public relations is being consistent and following up.  Follow ups are the best way to secure a story.

#10- Social media savvy: If you've been avoiding social media sites like the plague, think again.  Social media sites are one of the best, if not the best, way to broadcast your message to the largest possible audience.  Become social media friendly.  

If you’re looking for more great PR tips, keep on reading our blog or contact us.  

1 comment:

  1. That's right, every business or franchise need to do marketing to promote their brand. Here, you sharing such a nice tips on franchise and business. SEO service is quite helpful for every business and franchise.

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