Monday, October 22, 2012

Product Promotion: Key Factors

You’ve got a great product and you’re looking to do some public relations or product promotions to help spread the word.  Identifying your need for production promotions is the first step, taking the leap is always easier said than done.  You may not believe it, but there really is an art to product promotion.  No, there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong to promote your product, but some ways are alot more effective than others.  Here are a few things to focus on when promoting your product:

Know Your Target Audience
Before you can do public relations or promotions, you must understand who your target audience is.  Ask yourself, "Who is my target audience?" If your only answer is "Women," you are not digging deeply enough.  You need to know multiple things about your target audience such as gender, age group, income level, occupation, etc.  The list goes on and on.  The more you know, the better off you are.  Knowing your target audience will help you form strong strategies and tactics to help promote your product to the group of people who will be interested in it the most, which is after all, the main goal.  

Brand Messaging 
Part of good product promoting is emphasizing your branding message.  Your business’s product promotions should use brand messaging to emphasize the key points of what your brand and products can deliver.  Your brand messages should match your products.  For example, if you stress that your products are of “top quality” then your product needs to match that.  Your brand message must succinctly tell what the brand's promise is and creates desire for the brand's products or services.  Messaging helps customers understand what a brand's value is.

Product Descriptions: Features and Benefits
One of the most important parts of product promotions or even doing public relations for a product is how you describe the product.  When you are pitching your product to an audience, how you describe the product is crucial.  Your description ultimately needs to sell your audience on your product.  It has to make them feel compelled to purchase.  The description you give has to be motivational.  Part of the description is telling the story of the product.  The story needs to connect with the audience and keep them interested.   

Good promotional efforts do a great job of differentiating a product from anything else out there on the market.  This could be a very difficult feat.  So many products promise incredible results and very keenly, people today see right through it.  To push through the crowd of competitors you must show what makes your product different and better than all the rest.  How you explain your product's features and benefits should be the ammo you need to get people interested.

Delivering The Message
One of the most important parts of any promotional effort is delivering your message in such a way that it not only captivates an audience, but it sells the product.  When a message is well delivered you have the opportunity to increase your product or service's sales and create the all important brand advocates.  Brand advocates are people who are a fan of your brand and the services or products you sell.  Brand advocates help push your brand and your product.  Think of a popular brand and think of the people who endorse that brand.  It can be quite powerful and this should be what you look to create.  

Looking for more tips on product promotions?  Feel free to comment below or contact us.  

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