Monday, March 24, 2014

How To Know When You Should Hire a PR Agency

A big part of running a business is growing the business and getting your name in front of more people, the only thing that really takes priority is actually running your business and selling your product or service so you gain revenue.

However, it can be intimidating or confusing to think about hiring a franchise PR agency to come and help you because you may be wondering, "Will it be worth it?" or things like "I bet I can do it on my own."

There are a few things you can consider to know if it is time for you to hire a franchise PR firm.

The first thing to consider is if you have time to do PR or not. If you find that you consider PR for your business as something that will get done when it'll get done, then you do not have time for it. Public relations is not something that you just turn on and off and get small bits done here and there, then hope it works out for you. You need to have a game plan, execute your plan, and measure the results. If you do not have time for this, then you should really consider hiring a PR agency.

Another time to consider bringing in the help of an outside franchise PR agency is when you want to really nail a launch of a product, service, etc. The launch of a new product or service or whatever it is your company is doing is a big deal. Sometimes having the brain power of a PR agency that is not in-house can really bring some great ideas and give you an awesome launch. Also, having the help of a PR agency can bring in fire power that you may not have such as connections to the media, social media, event planning, etc.

A third thing to consider is when you want to revitalize or revamp your products or service. This is a real good time to bring in some outside minds because if you are trying to revamp, that means you're trying to break away from what was done before. If you use the same minds as the first time, then you run the risk of having the same results.

If you are considering a PR agency, then contact All Points PR - a Chicago PR agency

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