Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Greatest Reason Every Company Needs Public Relations

Public relations features many aspects and we can talk about all of them; we can say how your company needs franchise public relations because you need to build up a presence in an area, create a great brand, or protect your business when it has a crisis.

However, there is one, huge, reason why your company really needs PR and that's because if no one is talking about your company, then no one is thinking about your company… that's bad.

You want people talking
Public relations is all about keeping your company in the minds of people and in a positivecrisis communications, you are still fixing the issue so people think about your company and in a positive way. Some believe that this is the reason the phrase "there is no such thing as bad publicity" came about. You are trying to get out there and get your product or service to be purchased; this means talking to people and getting them to talk about you.
way. Everything about it is aimed to promote your business and keep your business at the forefront of peoples' minds; even when you using PR for

As far as the notion that all publicity is good publicity and that there is no such thing as bad publicity; that is simply not true. If a company has a big enough crisis, then that will definitely taint the image of that company in the minds of the public. Look at Tiger Woods, people still make comments about his affairs and how it all came out. His image has not been the same since then.

Make a plan & execute it
When you hear about successful franchise PR stories, it was because the company or person had a plan and they executed it. There is rarely success from throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. You definitely need to have a plan and stick to it when you are dealing with a crisis. If something goes wrong and your plan to fix this issue is to wing it, then you will not like how the situation is resolved. The resolution will likely be losing the positive image, maybe some clients/customers, or worst of all, closing your doors for good.

You will also need to have a plan for any action you want to take. A new product coming to the market? Create a plan for a product launch or grand opening.

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