Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Ways to Know a Career in PR is Not For You

My franchise PR agency has been around for some time now and we have been able to hire some really talented PR practitioners; however, we have also seen our fair share of people who came through the doors only to realize that they were not cut out for the franchise public relations business. How can you know if you are cut out for PR? Here are 5 ways to tell:

  1. You don't take criticism well. In any industry, you have to be able to take criticism, especially constructive criticism. When you are crushed by the fact someone did not like your work, even if they told you nicely, then you do not take criticism well. If you can't take criticism well, then working in franchise PR will not be a pleasant experience for you. Critical feedback is common to see, hear, give, and receive in the PR industry, you have to have somewhat thick skin. 
  2. You think it's a 9-5 job. Well, in terms of hours, sometimes it is; what I mean here is that if you go home after work and then do not think about PR, you don't read up on things happening, etc. then maybe you are not passionate about the PR world. You have to passionate about public relations in order to really succeed in it. When you finish a project, there is always something else to do for that client, there is always a "what's next?"Go and comment on another post or send another tweet! Your job is never done
  3. You don't get excited about news. If you don't read the news throughout the day and get excited about what is happening, especially in your (or a client's) industry, then this goes back to not be passionate. 
  4. You are not enthusiastic/energetic. This is not about not having passion, it is actually about not having enthusiasm or energy… about anything. If you find you are always tired and have a slow pulse at all times, then PR is not the place for you. It's not like people who succeed in PR are crazy energetic and never sleep, like they're perpetually perky, but you need to have energy! Don't worry, we get tired too. 
  5. You are bad at communication. You can't write well, you can't speak (publicly or sales), etc. You have to have good writing skills and be able to speak in front of people, especially when it comes to making sales pitch. 
If you are interested in a career in PR, then do your research and study up! If you have any questions, contact All Points PR

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