Monday, July 15, 2013

Getting the Most Out of Your Franchise Public Relations SEO

Using SEO article marketing is a brave and smart way to get your name out there, especially in the <a href=> franchise PR </a> realm where everyone feels like they are the next Walter Cronkite as they spread their opinions about the news all over social media.

There are a few things that you can do to increase the likelihood of generating links and boosting your ratings on search engines.

The first thing is to use specific keywords. Keywords are the things that people type into search engines to find something. For example, if you want good local Chinese restaurants, you may search "good local chinese restaurants." Use Google Analytics to search for the best and latest keywords that are related to your business. The thing about keywords is that they often work for a while and then one day, nothing. What were once fantastic keywords that were generating lots of links and clicks are now getting nothing or maybe only a quarter of the results they were a month ago. The reason is because people may not always search for something with the same language; also, search engines will switch things up and so you have to see what keywords they like and don't like.

The best way to incorporate keywords into something is to incorporate keywords into your articles and blogs that you post online. When you search for something, search engines scan everything on the internet for those specific words and the things that contain the most are the links that are higher up than others. Once you find your keywords, sprinkle them into your web articles and blogs. You can easily tie them into a sentence so it's not awkwardly posted into your writing. For example, if your keyword was "Chicagoland prime steakhouse" then you could say, "The best place to find a 'chicagoland prime steakhouse' is on Wabash in downtown Chicago" instead of "If you like meat 'chicagoland prime steakhouse' then you should go down to Wabash in downtown Chicago." The second sentence was kind of awkward, huh? While that is utilizing keywords, it's not pretty.

To be more specific with utilizing keywords in your writings, in addition to posting them in your text body, try using them in titles and even your social media posts. These small additions are little things that can really add to your rankings without a whole bunch of added effort. As a <a href=> franchise PR firm </a> it's important for you to have high rankings since this will position you as a leader in the PR world.

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