Wednesday, April 11, 2012

PR Firms & Tools of the Trade

Public relations careers use integrated communications in order to change public image of a brand. Within PR jobs, many varied tools can be used to create a powerful marketing plan, which can be adjusted, as necessary. Those who follow public relations careers maximize the use of integrated communications to enhance a company, product or person's brand and how the public perceives them. PR jobs are also all about making use of several different strategies to have an overall effective marketing strategy, which has the flexibility to be altered and updated as required.

Media Relations involves publicizing a brand and/or an organization to the various areas of the press including newspapers, magazines, newsletters, the Internet, or television. Relevant stories are given to the media in order to publicize products, although many journalists are not permitted to accept any gifts. Key strategies are used in media relations, and they include things like:

·       Media Kits including written information which tells the media about the business. Kits can include media releases, history of the business, or details about the organization's officers.

·       Media Releases (Audio or Video) can include pre-recorded material featuring the organization as part of a story.

·       A Matte Release is a written article, which is used as filler material. Matte releases are sent via syndicated news services, emailed, faxed or mail.

·       An Online Press Room appeals to the media while providing contact details for relevant people in the company.

·       Media Tours occur when companies send a representative of the company to talk about a brand new product on television or radio talk programs. These representatives also conduct interviews with journalists online and off. The media spokesperson can be someone who is employed by the organization but that isn't always the case. Some businesses use the services of an external person or a person who is known as an expert.

·       Newsletters are used for frequent contact with an audience. Electronic mail and regular mail can be used for these newsletters, and if effective, are well read.

Another aspect of PR jobs is special events, which could include dinners, seminars, and exhibitions, launch parties and receptions. Those in public relations careers who specialize in event management will make use of integrated communications to make sure that the public is told the correct message - which, obviously, is hugely important.

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