Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Making Videos Viral

Here at All Points PR we always want to see our clients succeed. At the end of the day, watching clients succeed is what we live for.  When clients ask for ways they can better promote themselves outside of having us do their business or franchise PR, we always do our best to offer solid suggestions that we think can really help them.  Recently, we’ve become intrigued by the power of viral videos and the effect they can have on a business or franchise.  

Making your company or franchise more popular in the social media realm could really be as simple as creating a video that goes viral, but that makes it seem like creating a viral video is easy and truth be told, it’s not. 

There are many factors that go into why a video rapidly goes viral.  A video could go viral for any number of reasons such as good use of humor, shock value, surprise, or edginess.  Many people think a video’s viral success is only measured in how many views it has received, when in truth, there’s a lot more to it then that.  Other important aspects to factor in with a viral videos success includes how many shares it has received, conversion rates, and social engagement. 

If you and your franchise have made videos in the past only to have them flop, you still have the chance to make them go viral.  If you are about to embark on the quest to create groundbreaking viral videos, here are some things to consider:

(1) Take to social media:  So you’re not getting enough video views, shares, or engagement from others on your videos.  Make sure the minute you post a video that you immediately share it on all of your social media sites.  One of the best ways for a video to go viral is through sharing on social media.  We’ve all done it, we’ve all seen that really funny video and then sent it to 10 of our friends and that’s just the way this works.  When something, like a video is good, we feel the need to share it and with social media, sharing is incredibly easy these days, so cash in on that with your videos.  Share, share, share!

(2) Impart some knowledge: Give viewers useful information so that you make them feel empowered and make them feel like they have truly learned something that will help them move ahead in their industry.  Viewers need to feel like they have directly gained something from your video. 

(3) Short and sweet:  Your videos should not give the movie Titanic a run for its money in terms of length!  Your video shouldn’t be long by any means.  Keep it short, sweet and to the point.  Some of the best viral videos are just a minute long.  While shorter videos can be harder to make, they tend to have the most impact. 

(4) Make a sale or two:  Your videos should help you make sales happen for your company.  Face it, you’re not just making a video to make a video.  You’re making a video for a reason and 9 times out 10, it’s to make a sale happen.  Whatever you want to sell, you want your video to help you sell it. 

(5) Share with current customers:  Your current customers are a perfect audience for the videos you have been creating.  They have worked with you previously or are currently working with you, so show them what you’ve been working on as a company.  It’s a great way to reach out to them and keep them informed and in the loop as to what’s going on.

We love talking about powerful franchise PR tactics.  If you're looking for more tips on making successful videos for your franchise or business, contact us.    

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